smartContract smartContract
Solidity syntaxWhat’s SoliditySolidity is an object-oriented programming language. It is used to be implemented smart co
2023-01-26 Chatwin
Ethereum Ethereum
EthereumWhat is EthereumEthereum is a deterministic but practical unbounded state machine, consisting of a global access
2023-01-22 Chatwin
Blockchain and cryto Blockchain and cryto
Blockchain and crytoPurpose of blockchainwith a blockchain we can decentralize where code runs and agree on the output
2023-01-11 Chatwin
Solidity_Core Solidity_Core
Multi-SigsMulti-sigs is smart contract designed so that multuple signatures from different addresses are needed for tran
2023-01-10 Chatwin
Solidity_Core Solidity_Core
GovernanceDecentralization protocol are in consistent evolution from the moment they are published relased. When we publ
2023-01-10 Chatwin
Solidity Solidity
Mapping && structurestorage keywordsstorage keywords is used to spcify that variables should parmnately stored i
2023-01-01 Chatwin
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