foundation EventLoopJS是一种单线程语言,它和多线程语言最大的不同就是只有一个线程,如果线程中有任务阻塞那么线程将出现排队情况。设计单线程的原因是因为JS在设计之初是用来作为浏览器的脚本语言的,为了防止处理dom多个线程处理出现资源抢占的情况 2023-07-25 Chatwin Algorithms Simply进制转换const parseInt = (line) => { // 最简单的方法 // let a = parseInt(line, 16); // console.log(a); 2023-07-20 Chatwin Tree diffrent type of tree structuresimple tree binary treea parent must have two children. that’s a rule of binary tree, if 2023-05-19 Chatwin Interview-base Interview notes. 2023-02-17 Interview html css js Flutter-v3.7 New release of flutter v3.7. 2023-02-11 flutter Tech ios & android TalentOrg' Interview (remote) Interview notes, purely algorithmic. 2023-01-28 Interview Remote Job Interview